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Support for elderly Ethiopians


On Sunday September 14th 2008 the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated Local 27 donated the sum of $400 to the Ethiopian Self-help Family Care Inc.

During the first of the two monthly meetings held at 3609 Boston Road, Bronx, New York. The funds, which was donation from Local 27 members was given to Mrs. Sewasew Abebe, founder of the Ethiopian Self-help Family Care Inc. The Ethiopian Self-help Family Care Inc. is an organization tailored to provide medical, economic and emotional support to elderly Ethiopians who are unable to provide for themselves. Many have given up hope and are forced to accept an unfortunate fate of being a burden to society.
The organization is committed to changing the society’s mentality and instilling hope in the elderly. The aim is to enhance Self su ciency and provide avenues to contribute to their communities. The Organization was created to provide a sustainable, secure and positive environment for the elderly in Ethiopia. It will provide critical food, medical care and hope for the future. This the first and unique Organization in Ethiopia is already started to support 15 elderly persons, identified with no family support and who face critical medical conditions due to age and many reasons.
By the coming year the Organization has a plan to build a living facility providing shelter for vulnerable and continue to promote well being, happiness and quality of life. In addition to apartment units, there will be various services and programs geared to encourage elders to remain active and healthy. Some communal services include meals, health care, counseling and basic health education. The Ethiopian Self-help family Care Inc. is located at: 1355E 224th Street, Bronx NY 10466. Tel: (917) 645-6352 email: information@ethioeldercare.org Website: www.ethioeldercare.org ………………………………………………………………………

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