ARTICLE VII -Committees The following committees shall be established: Section 1. Banking, Membership, Education, Publicity, Sick, Ways and Means, Information, Auditing, Complaints and Grievances, House Committee and such other committees as shall from time to time become necessary provided that such committees are approved by the International Executive Council.
(a) Banking Committee: There shall be a Banking Committee composed of the President, Treasurer and three (3) other members elected from the body. It shall be the duty of the Banking Committee to keep a check on the deposits and withdrawals by the Treasurer and to assist him in any way he desires. It shall have access to the bank books held by the Treasurer and may from time to check with his bank accounts and financial dealings. (b) Membership: It shall be the duty of the membership Committee top devise plans to increase the membership of the local: to visit delinquent members, to encourage their attendance at the meetings and encourage them in the full performance of their duties. (c) Education: It shall be the duty of the Committee on Education to provide for the use of the members, books, papers, magazines and all historical and cultural material and literature touching racial questions as well as political, economic, social, health, agricultural and other matters which will aid in the betterment of black peoples and humanity in general. This committee shall from time to time plan and conduct educational programs. (d) Publicity Committee: It shall be the duty of the Committee on Publicity to keep before the public the aims and objects of the organization and the work of the local. It shall endeavour to publicise its activities. It shall be responsible for the distribution of the official organ of the Ethiopian world Federation, Incorporated. (e) Sick Committee: It shall be duty of the Sick Committee to keep a list of the sick members; to visit them regularly and to encourage the general membership to do so. It shall evince a genuine interest in the sick members, during all in its power to aid and comfort them. It shall raise funds for their financial assistance; these funds shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the local and kept by him in a separate account. The committee shall recommend to the Executive Committee the nature and amount of the aid that may be given. (f) Ways and Means: It shall be the duty of the Ways and Means committee to devise plans for raising money to conduct the business of the local. (g) Information Committee: It shall be the duty of the Committee Information to gather information for the general welfare of the Federation. (h) Auditing Committee: There shall be an Auditing Committee of three (3) members. It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee to make an audit of the books of the local and submit its report to the local with a signed copy of the report to the Headquarters quarterly. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to demand an audit at any time. No member of the Executive Committee shall serve on Auditing Committee. (i) House Committee: The house Committee shall have charge of the building and all other physical property belonging to the local. They shall see to it that these are kept in proper order and repaired shall prepare the house for meetings. They shall make a monthly inventory of all physical property. (j) Complaints and Grievances Committee: Any member having complaints or grievances affecting the organisation or any member thereof shall submit the same to the Committee on Complaints and Grievances. The Committee shall hear all complaints and grievances submitted to it and shall make a determine effort to settle in committee, all differences. Failing to effect a settlement, the matter shall be presented by Secretary of the committee to the Executive Committee of the local. It shall review the entire case. The party failing to abide by the decision of the Executive Council of the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated. The decision of the Executive Council shall be final.ARTICLE 1X – Units Section 1. A unit is a group within a local, which is required to perform certain specialized duties or tasks. The personnel of all units, appointed by the President, shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
(a) Medical: The medical Unit shall constitute persons who are members of the medical, dental, pharmaceutical and nursing profession. It shall be their duty to give instructions, lectures and general information on health and other topics affecting the well-being of the membership. They shall give to any group desiring training, instruction in first aid, hygiene and preventive medicine. The local failing to include any of the above named professional persons in its membership shall form a medical unit among the lay members. This unit shall invite such members of the above named professions as are available to conduct classes and give instruction in the subjects aforementioned. (b) Musical: Every local shall have the right to set up a Musical Unit. This unit shall consist of a bank, orchestra and choir. Each department shall its own musical director. The musical directors shall be qualified musicians. (c) Juvenile: Every local shall have the right to set up a Juvenile Department and to determine its functions. (d) Women’s Auxiliary: Each local shall have the right to establish a Women’s Auxiliary. It shall be the duty of the Women’s Auxiliary to raise funds to be used for the expense of delegates to the Convention, to provide for the care, keep and comfort of international officers visiting the local on business, and for any other business which the executive Committee shall decide.