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Section 1. a) The first unit of the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, in the City of New York shall be known as Local Number One. b) The duly elected officers of Local No. I shall be the International Officers, except the President, until a Convention is called and International Officers are duly elected.

Section 2. a) The right to issue charters is vested in the Executive Council. b) The right to revoke charters is vested in the Executive Council.

ARTICLE VI Establishment of Locals

Section 1. a) Any twenty-five (25) persons or more, desirous of forming a local, shall apply to the Executive Council for a charter. b) The fee for this charter shall be Ten ($10.00) Dollars.

Section 2. The officers of each local of the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, shall be: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Recording-Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms. Section 3. Each local shall establish an Executive Committee. This Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Recording-Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms and the three (3) other members elected by the local. Section 4. Duties of Officers-Locals: a) President: The President shall preside at all meetings, sign all documents of the local and appoint all committees and units. The President shall have power to call special meetings in the general interest of the organization whenever he deems it necessary. The President shall be ex-officio member of all committees. b) Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the Vice-Presidents, in their order to preside at regular meetings in the absence of the President or whenever requested to do so by him or her. c) Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive from the Financial Secretary all monies belonging to the local giving a voucher for same, and shall deposit or cause to be deposited, twenty-four hours after its receipt, such monies in a bank or banks selected by the Executive Committee. He shall payout monies on order of the Executive Committee only. He shall make a monthly report to the local on a blank provided for the purpose, submitting a certified copy to the Headquarters. He shall be bonded. d) Financial Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Financial Secretary to receive all monies from subscriptions, dues, contributions, rallies and special efforts from the members of the local, and from all other sources, give a receipt and keep an accurate record thereof. He shall turn over all such monies to the Treasurer at the close of each meeting and shall demand a voucher therefor. He shall be bonded. The books of the Financial Secretary shall be open to the Executive Committee of the local or to any person authorized by said committee to examine them. The Financial Secretary shall be required to collaborate with the Recording-Corresponding Secretary and shall, on request, give such information as may be required by the Recording Corresponding Secretary of entries or records made in his books. The Financial Secretary shall make a monthly report to the local on a blank provided for the purpose, submitting a signed copy to the Headquarters. e) Recording-Corresponding Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Recording Corresponding Secretary to keep a correct record of the minutes and proceedings of the regular meetings. He shall keep a correct list of the members of the local. He shall be required to collaborate with the Financial Secretary and shall on request give such information as may be required by the Financial Secretary of entries or records made in his books. He shall keep on file all reports and communications. He shall affix his signature, together with the seal of the local, to all documents. He shall keep the seal of the local under his personal supervision. He shall read all reports and minutes of previous meetings. He shall be a member of the Executive Committee of the local. The Recording-Corresponding Secretary shall have charge of all books, literature, flags, buttons, stamps and all salable articles of the local and shall turn over the proceeds from the sale thereof to the Financial Secretary. f) Chaplain: It shall be the duty of the Chaplain to open and close every meeting of the local with prayer and to minister to the spiritual needs of the members. He shall be responsible. for the moral tone pervading the local. He shall transmit to the local such instructions and literature as shall be sent to him from time to time by the International Chaplain. He shall be a member of the local committee on Complaints and Grievances and of the Sick Committee. g) Sergeant-at-Arms: The Sergeant-at-Arms shall attend all meetings of the local and see that the meeting room is in order. He shall attend at the door of the meeting room, prevent the admission of any person who is not entitled to admission, or whose conduct is unbecoming; and when instructed by the President, shall remove from the meeting room any person whose conduct is not in keeping with good order and discipline. He shall perform any and all such other duties pertaining to his office as might be required of him by the President.

