Members’ Information:
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ARTICLE II Membership
Section 1. The membership shall comprise the BLACK PEOPLES of the world. Section 2. Application. Application for membership shall be in writing. Section 3. Rejection. The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated shall have the right to reject any application for membership without giving reasons. Section 4. Joining fee. The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, shall have the right to a fix a joining fee. There shall be a joining fee of One Dollar (U.S. $ 1:00). However, The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, through its Executive Council, shall have the right to grant special dispensation to certain areas and to adjust this fee to suit the conditions thereof, provided, however, that in no area the amount effected by the dispensation shall exceed One Dollar (U.S. $1.00). Section 5. Dues. The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, shall have the right to establish membership dues. The membership dues shall be ten cents (U.S. $.10) per week =(U.S. $5.20 per year). These dues shall be remitted to the Headquarters. Section 6. Unfinancial Members. Any member who is twelve weeks in arrears in the payment of dues shall be unfinancial in the organization.
Section 6. Admission of New Members. Each new member shall make the following pledge: (Repeat, with right arm upraised.)
I solemnly pledge to do all that I can to carry out the aims and objects of the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, and to abide by its Constitution and By-Laws.