The Spirit of the Federation

From The Voice of Ethiopia Newspaper

May 20th 1939                                                           by   Warren HarriganSave Ethiopia ButtonThe Spirit of the Federation

If men cannot retain and promote peace and good will in their own families how can they hope to fight successfully against an outside adversary? He who would regain the rights taken away from him by an enemy must first see to it that his own house is set in order that a deep spirit of peace and good will reigns in his own boundaries. If he secures this then he can hope to struggle successfully against the common adversary, for then his forces will be united. The principle will reign in his own home. “If in the act of making sacrifice ye find that ye have fought against the brother, leave there the gift at the altar. First be reconciled to thy brother then come and offer thy gift.”

Spirit of Federation 

The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated sets as one of its objectives “the promotion of love and good will among Ethiopians at home and abroad.” The Federation is bound and determined to promote and insist on the growth of this spirit of love among its members and among all Black peoples. The possession of this spirit is fundamental. It is an absolutely necessary antecedent to the realization of other objectives, including a place in the Sun for the Sons of Ham. Let the Black World set up a Kingdom of love and not one of force. Let a spirit of equality and fraternity reign. Let us remember that we seek condition in which all Black men can live comfortably. Let us denounce that peculiar state of living in which a minority of the people possesses all the wealth and the great majority starve. Let us remember that all Black men are brothers and cease fighting with each other. It is written “he who would be chief amongst you let him be your servant.” Let us avoid conceit and so maintain the spirit of the Federation- Internal peace, goodwill, love humility, for we have much work to do. Contributed by: Barrymore Tittle (Ras Mora)]]>