In Loving Memory of Our Fellow Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated Member, Honourable Ras Seymour McClean.
We, the People of the Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated are aware of the British expedition and atrocities Inflicted nearly 150 years ago against The Ethiopian King, Emperor Theodore, and the blameless people of Ethiopia, especially during the European racially motivated so-called scramble for Africa and African colonialization.
Your SIGNATURE and SUPPORT is urgently Needed to Demand and Obtain The Immediate Return and Restoration of The MAGDALA ARTIFACTS to The Ethiopian People. Achieving This Goal Will Be A Sign of Good Will and a Movement Towards A Better Day and A Better Tomorrow.
Looted ArtefactsLooted ArtefactsGold Cross‘Ethiopian Bible’ ‘Christ in Glory’ Crown of Tewodros, EthiopiaGold chalice from EthiopiaEthiopian crossYoung Prince Alemayehu kidnapped by British soldiers.
Official launch of the Ethiopian World Federation Inc ” Black Salvation Internet Radio Station “. Click on the image above , or alternatively click on the “Image in the Sidebar” to listen.
Important Dates: The Earth Day of Empress Menen, Queen of QueensWoizero Menen was born on 3rd April 1891 (25th Megabit 1883), in the Egua village, Wollo Province. Woizero Menen was baptised Wolete Giorgis in St Delba Girogis Church. A skilful writer, Woizero Menen was known to be kind, compassionate and devoutly God fearing.
In 1902 Woizero Menen married Ras Lul Sagud and had two daughters and two sons before divorcing him. She later married Haile Selassie I in 1911. For the first time in Ethiopian history, during the Coronation of H.I.M Emperor Haile Selassie I, King of Kings on 2nd November 1930, Empress Menen was crowned Queen of Queens.
The Coronation was held at the St Giorgis Church in Addis Ababa and was witness by dignitaries from across the world.
The sacred and happy union between Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress
Menen lasted for forty seven years, during which time they had three sons and three daughters and was blessed with numerous grandchildren.
Empress Menen made a huge contribution to the development of schools and hospitals as well as the social science institutions.
‘Voice of Ethiopia’to simultaneously denounce Jim Crow in America, and the fascist invasion in Ethiopia. The ‘Voice of Ethiopia’, was to become known as the official media organ of the Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated. It was pro African newspaper that urged the millions of sons and daughters of Ethiopia scattered throughout the world, to join hands with Ethiopia to save the country from the wolves of Europe. Its first anniversary was marked by a special cable via Western Union from Emperor Haile Selassie, who at that time resided in exile at Fairfield House in Bath.
The cable read ” It is with great pleasure that i have just noted that the ‘Voice of Ethiopia’ has just completed its first year of struggle for the cause of Ethiopia and i send my congratulations. I sincerely hope that it will continue to receive the support of all who love justice”. Emperor Haile Selassie.
An extract from the ‘Voice of Ethiopia’, describes the first birthday celebration. Read on…..]]>
baptism During the ceremonies of Timkat, the Tabot, a model of the Ark of the Covenant, is reverently wrapped in rich cloth and borne in procession and carried through the crowd in every city on the head of a priest. The Tabot/s are carried only by the most senior priests of the community and completely covered because they are too sacred for anyone to gaze at them. Even the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox church is forbidden to see it; only its guardians can look at it. The actual Ark of the Covenant is said to be in the city of Aksum, guarded by monks who have vowed not to leave the chapel grounds until death. Continue reading……………….
retains the ancient Julian calendar in which Christmas falls on January 7th (of the Gregorian calendar.) The Ethiopian name given to Christmas is Ledet or Genna which, according to elders, comes from the word Gennana, meaning “imminent” to express the coming of Christ and the freeing of mankind from sin. It is a public holiday, and the day is a time of reflection, inner thoughts and healing Continue reading……………………………………….