May 16, 2009 | Events, Locals, Locals Reports
A 25th Anniversary Event and Rastafari Awareness Day was held at the prestigious South Birmingham College Media Education and Training centre; Birmingham UK on 1st March 2008.
As well as bringing awareness of the Rastafari Culture to the wider community we were also celebrating over twenty- five years as an active local of the Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated. The day was extremely well attended with a large number of cultural stalls selling a variety of products and promoting various projects.
There was also a good quality and range of vegetarian foods and various natural and healthy juices. Compare for the show and stage coordinator was Mikael (Wassifa) Brown, of Galaxy FM radio who is also a member of the Federation. Also acting compare was Michael Mosiah from Sting FM pirate radio Jacko Melody.
May 14, 2009 | Conventions, Events
Convention 2008: Hailed a success[/caption]
The Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated Convention for 2008 took place in Shashamane, Ethiopia from 15th to 21st July 2008.
The Locals present were London (Local 3); Shashamane (Local 14); Milwaukee (Local 20); Bronx (Local 27); Birmingham (Local 111); Paris and Toulouse. There were two delegates from Local 3, two delegates from Local 111 and one delegate from Local 14. As well as the observers present, a number of members in the USA took part via teleconferencing.
Trevor Clarke was Chair, Pauline Anderson was the Parliamentarian and Malieka Robinson was Convention Secretary. Officiating Committees included Programmes, Resolution, Nominations, Credential and Standing Rules.
Outgoing officer reports were presented by the International President (Emma Young); Executive Secretary (Lawrence Davies); 2nd Vice President (Pauline Anderson); International Organiser (Ivory Black). Malieka Robinson presented the Convention Arrangements Report.
An NGO report was presented by Brother Moody (EWF Inc Country Representative) and a Shashamane Land Grant report which was presented by Solomon Wolf. All reports were followed by a Question & Answer session.
May 4, 2009 | Events
A Protest March was organized by the local at Royal Court Theatre. Sloane Square, London, against the incorrect depiction of H.I.M Haile Selassie I in the play called ‘The Emperor.’
This protest successfully stopped the play from been repeated.
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