We the Executive Council of the Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated registered with the Internal Revenue Services, Charities Bureau and New York State Department wish to announce the successful completion of our Annual Convention held at the Willow Winds, Salem, Runaway Bay, Jamaica 2010. The event was extremley well attended by delegates from New York, Miami, London, Montego Bay, St Ann, Birmingham and Paris with other members from across Jamaica including local 43 Kingston. Many other members and visitors came from various groups Nyabinghi, Millenium Council, Bo Bo and others were also in attendance. Local guest included the Chief of Police from Runaway Bay also a Christian Minister who gave very good speeches. All locals gave reports also individual members kept a private session where we were encouraged not to allow any small group to distract the Fedreation; all locals in Jamaica agreed to work with whoever had the legal documents. Also in attendance and we would like to give a big thanks to was Robert Simms Attorney at law from New York who was appointed to act as our Parliamentarian. His input was invaluable and he will be making a full independent report to the members worldwide. One of the key agreements to come out of the Convention was locals work collectively together interacting and trading also each local is to develop a local business to support its activities. Discussions also took place around the correct registration needed worldwide including Ethiopia Jamaica, French territories, USA states South Africa, Ghana etc. Each delegate represents 25 members which indicated a total of 175 members worldwide were represented during voting and election processes. The outcome of elections for International officers was Emma Young (Empress Ima) President; Barrymore Tittle (Mora) 1st Vice; Trevor Clarke ( Kulcha) 2nd Vice; Wynborne Welcome Executive Secretary; Vernon Headley (Dave Judah)Treasurer; Lloyd Robinson (Obadiah Judah) Organizer; Raymond Topping (Iqulah) Chaplain and Lawrence Davis, Ivory Black and Pauline Anderson (Wolette Gabriel) 3 Executive members We give special thanks to local Presidents Iqulah and Ras Igi for the hard work of Montego Bay Local 32 members who provided transport, video, food and other support and St Ann Local 17 members who provided acommodation, food, security and other support. The Malaku Emanuel Bayen and Voice of Ethiopia exhibition was extremely well received Next Convention 2011 Jamaica Please note there is no local number 1 of the Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated with an IEN number that attaches it to the Federation 1937; if in doubt and to avoid fraud please check credentials of any group making such a claim or visit New York State Department to view the roster of the Federation 1937.]]>
Convention 2010 Jamaica a great success
Jul 23, 2010 | Conventions, Current, Events, Front Page News, General Notices | 0 comments