Board meetings online are more comfortable and flexible than in-person sessions. By decreasing travel expenses and scheduling conflicts, they save time and money. They allow a greater number of board members to participate in a way that helps prevent groupthink and blindspots in decision-making. Virtual meetings can be difficult to run efficiently. Board members might lose their enthusiasm or might not have access to the tools they need to take part in the meeting effectively. The most frequent issues that can affect the quality of a meeting are poor audio and video, unstable Internet connections as well as distracting noises.

Discussions should be kept on track

It’s easier to be distracted in a remote setting than during a face-toface meeting. They might be enticed by an email or a phone call from their child. The meeting may also get bogged down in a debate or someone might not raise their hand to ask an inquiry.

To avoid such issues, it is important to establish clear guidelines for participation. Board members can help each other by encouraging participation during discussions, asking feedback frequently and allowing members to speak out. It is also essential to establish a clear agenda ahead of the meeting and make sure that the appropriate technology is in place.

It’s important to test your equipment and video prior to use this link the meeting, and invite your board members to do the same. This is especially important if members are joining from other states or regions.