Teams are more likely than ever to collaborate across geographical and time zones, because of the growing popularity of flexible working practices. This requires the transfer of large files between colleagues working remotely. However, traditional file sharing methods aren’t always the most secure. It’s very easy for employees to send sensitive files that contain intellectual property or other data that is regulated in a way, either intentionally or accidentally, to the wrong people.

Without the proper security precautions In the absence of proper security measures, these uncontrolled transfers of information can put your business at risk of costly fines and a damaged reputation. This is why it’s crucial to collectively govern the way you share your files with clients and other partners as well as your internal colleagues.

To prevent the dangers of uncontrolled file sharing, your organization should select a platform which offers granular access control and centralized monitoring of security. This means that you can make sure that only authorized people have access to specific files or folders and that any changes made to the contents of a file are documented. A platform that offers enterprise-level content services also comes with a centralized audit log that makes it simple to track user history and identify issues such as privacy violations or non-compliance.

Look for a file sharing program that is easy to use and that can be integrated with your existing workflows. It’s also essential to make sure that you don’t pay for features that you don’t really need. If you’re planning to use a portal for client files ensure that the application provides options for custom branding and easy set up for your clients.