Sharing files and documents is a fundamental part of teamwork. This includes memos, project plans HR policies software documentations, employee onboarding checklists… the list goes on. Document-based workflows are becoming increasingly essential as more teams opt for remote work.

Rather than restricting yourself to the 30- megabyte limit for traditional email attachments online document sharing tools let you to easily share large file sizes with any number of people, while keeping your sensitive documents safe.

With the help of granular permissions and a single source of truth your collaborators will always know the most up-to-date version of any file. This will help avoid confusion about who changed the file and when.

The best online document sharing platforms offer various additional features that will help streamline your workflow. Some platforms allow you to add legally binding eSignatures to any file. Some also offer real-time collaborative editing, allowing you to review and approve revisions in a matter of minutes. Some also include a complete file history which lets you see any previous version of any document at the touch of an icon.

With all these advantages it’s no wonder that online document sharing is now a common element of the modern workplace culture. With a host of options to choose from how do you determine which one is best for your business? We’ve highlighted a few of our top online document sharing tools below. Each one offers a different range of features and distinct strengths, so the best choice for you will depend on the type of file you’re looking to share as well as your preferred workflow.